The Features of consciousness of the patients with paranoid schizophrenia

  • Chekhovskaya M.V.

    Pushkin Leningrad State University
    Saint Petersburg. Russia

  • Belozerova K.Yu.

    Pushkin Leningrad State University
    Saint Petersburg. Russia


The article concentrates on investigation of specific characters of self comprehension of patiens with schizophrenia using Alfried Langle's existential-analytical theory. Main psychometric scales were analyzed, such as: self-distancing, self-transcendence, freedom and responsibility; personal characteristics: personality, existenciality and the degree of existential fulfilment. The change of existential fulfilment was comparatively analysed for patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects. The specific features of correlation between the existential fulfilment scale and personal characteristics were found.

Keywords: existential analysis, existential fulfillment, consciousness, sick paranoid schizophrenia, personal questionnaire "The scale of existence" of А. Langle and К. Оrgler, comparative analysis, correlative analysis.